Thursday, 21 March 2013

The list of skate

The weather is rubbish, coursework is heavy, so here, in it's first draft form, is a list of stuff that I think would be funny to do on a skateboard this year. Shall likely add stuff as I think of it, and it would be fun to see how much I manage at the end of the year.

Some will be achieveable, some more hopeful ;)
If I managed something before, but would like to get back, these will be italic.

H=hands and HS=Heelside, TS=Toeside, FS=Frontside, BS=Bullsh- oh I mean backside, obviously. Will more than likely get all these confused.

Cross throughs = DONE.
  1.  Have fun
  2. proper ollies
  3. proper bonelesses
  4. Coleman into 2H HS 3.
  5. laybacks without falling over
  6. TS 2H 3's
  7. Proper switch FS 180s, standup.
  8. BS 180's, snappy hands down.
  9. BS 180's, standup.
  10. Linked 180's both ways, standup (oo err, this is one of the more hopeful ones haha)
  11. A standup 360, any way, any how. If I learn this it will be all I do at skates for weeks after...
  12. Stop colemanning and HS predrifting like a tit if possible.
  13. Hands down soft wheel 3, any way, without mashing myself into the ground.
  14. Toeside slides on soft wheels without taking up the whole road and causing the apocalypse.
  15. Footbrake confidently at faster speeds.
  16. More stable.
  17. Switch backside 180 into hands down TS 360.
  18. Hands down 3 HS to TS and TS to HS.
  19. flatspinny things?
  20. popped coleman out and then throw the board past 180 keeping my body in line.
  21. "Early grabs", not like a child.
  22. Watch out for fast people from europe and jump into the bushes to hide.
  23. Dont crash into inliners.
  24. Compliment myself when I walk past a mirror.
  25. Pack less gear.
  26. Be majestic and wonderful in all ways
  27. Eat Ryvita and ignore Ryvita based bigotry ;)
  28. Get 40.
  29. Decent full runs at peep.
  30. Get sponsored by a computer keyboard manufacturer.

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