When was the last time anyone reviewed some piece of downhill gear and was like "You know what, fuck this, don't buy it"? I suppose aside from the quarterly kickstarters that seem to throughly celebrate the act of being a wasteman it's difficult to find something truly diabolical.
If somebody bought a Risch and then skated like a watermelon would it affect sales?
Is it always going to be the case that the range of decks for going fast will have a fair degree of shape variation?
Will we ever get to the point where we're like "you know we could keep making griptape grippier but do we really need to?"
You can't spot mindless boards from a distance now.
I'm new to trying to manage how I think about things. In skateboarding it is to a large extent a balancing act involving more or less entirely conflicting thought processes and an exercise in understanding and directing them.
I find it pretty much comes down to being content or wanting to do more.
So for me a useful balance draws on both, veering more toward one or the other based on what is more useful at the time. Being completely content means temporary happiness but later on feeling like there was something missed in terms of adding to what can be done. Wanting to do more without feeling any positivity for what you can already do is an endless disappointment.
It's a case of managing expectation and mindset to achieve the best balance on a spectrum of thought that contains a lack of overall enjoyment at both ends. To manage the way you approach something isn't always possible but learning to do so can be tremendously beneficial. It is also worth considering the way you think about something when you aren't actually doing it.
Sometimes I can't watch any videos of people skating. At those times the thought process is to do with not being able to do something how you would like, and it's too much to even look at the thing. And then it's thinking along the lines of "do I really need this?" Like making art, when I consider it properly, I don't think theres going to be a point where I stop skating.
I don't think I'm ever going to be interested in races without closed roads. I'm not sure if I'm going to be interested in racing at any point, anywhere. I don't see much to find out, I think it would only be entertaining on certain tracks.
I'm pretty excited for the year- without setting out too much, theres a lot of stuff to mess around with. Some different focuses and trying to look at all areas of skating.
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