Wednesday 25 January 2012

Ideas for videos

So this blog post is gonna be about all the ideas I have for various future edits.


Get everyone to go mental. Helmet cams, cameras down the hill, go stupid fast, get slidey, go mad. Make something REALLY good. Nice music, short, sweet, THIS is Southern Banditos

2.)  Peep Crash and Burn track guide.

Mix of helmet cam riding footage and shots of features. Like a grand prix track walk to show people what they are up against and how to deal with it. Nobody really knew what they were going to be facing last year, I almost didnt ride because I was scared I couldnt deal with it. With a full fast run and a fun run with lots of slides, showing people you really can have fun skating bopeep without even going over 25. Dead slow run to give the noobs confidence.

3.) Fast run, helmet cams, switching between riders in the edit. Bam first guy smashes the corner, second, third, e.t.c. Good spotting essential for this one.

4.) Shots. Fishing pole across the road just above head height with a gopro on it. Shots from the hills, they show speed quite well. Rider filming whilst gripping the corner slowly with another rider sliding around them.

Just some ideas, not promising anything yet, but I reckon some of this might work, and might work damn good.

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