So this is about Art, or more specifically the BTEC subject im doing.
I like Art itself. I can sit there and draw something or try and paint something, it's something that distracts me. And then doing it as a subject, and at the minute i've got 4 or 5 projects to work on and try and improve and I just have so little motivation. Mainly because I can do the bit where you just have to chat shit (chatting and writing shit is my speciality in life), but I cant do the bit where you actually have to produce artwork. I have never produced a piece of art I have been proud of. Nothing turns out as intended. The canvas I painted for one project is at a "pass" standard. Is it so bad to see pretty much everybody produce great work with ease and want to do some too?
Being able to paint well would be awesome. In a lesson I dont recall ever being taught some painting skills, so I suppose like everything else in the subject you've just got to try and pick it up. If, like me you havent got the talent then what can you do? I am screwed.
And then, theres skateboarding down hills. I've been handed this amazing waste of time. I can grab any board and go skate anything, and nobody cares. Recognition doesnt matter. And if I go and focus on just having it and having fun, I end up pushing my limits. And then you just have faster fun. Nobody gives a fuck anyway. You dont need to be shown how to do anything, have a laugh and it all works out. It's too amazing to put into words, the people, the hills, the stupid stuff that happens, the crashing and being on the edge of messing yourself right up, going so fast you scare yourself...
If Art as a subject, if that and everything was like skateboarding, things would be great.
But its not.
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