Friday, 25 May 2012

Tories and politics and not being arsed

The title isnt very good. Its quite hot and this was probably a factor in the title-decision-making-process. Also not sure how to properly use hyphens, the previous sentence looks kind of weird.

Anyway, I havent written anything political for a while due to various reasons. The main reason being that the more I observe our countries politics the more it depresses me.

But I thought i'd write about Tories and the Right and the Left.

It would seem to me (having put a small amount of effort into looking at things) that people are getting bored of the current government and the austerity approach. Perhaps bored isnt really the right word... more like the people are getting thoroughly pissed off with the constant bullshit that we are powerless to defend against.

I know more than the average person about this kind of thing but I still know incredibly little. I think I can still sum things up as:

Average person suffering.

The wealthy, the Right wing and The System- flying high.

Ordinary working people prop up this country whilst the government is able to consider undermining their basic rights. Sly, scheming Tory MP's have been in stasis at the back of the commons and the recession has given them a chance to thaw out and creep from the shadows, ready to push through their horrendous social ideals and irresponsible Eurozone approach.

But like I mentioned earlier, the people are getting pissed off. And that means the clock has finally began to tick on this coalition government. Little things, such as Cameron's party and their cosy relationship with the media, and his "muttering idiot" attack on Ed Balls in the commons allow the "Modern Right" mask to slip for a moment and reveal that they are (to generalise) a bunch of arrogant, priviliged, agenda pushers who are incapable of relating to, or caring about, the average person.

Oh, except I havent mentioned one thing.... the people arn't powerless against this at all...


What did you expect!?

Now it seems the public is irritated by Austerity, and Cameron and his Tories. But er... you voted for them. Or didnt vote at all.

And thus my sympathy is greatly limited by my exasperation with this countries voters.

Screw it, I can't be arsed to go into politics and change anything. Let the Tories be (to generalise for the second time) goons, and let the voters be typical Britains who dont care until that pasty tax affects the paticular sausage roll they were buying in Greggs that day.

This country is actually a bit shit. Because it could have been so, so good.



  1. Ed Balls got offf lightly, I'd have told him to shut the FUCK up.

    I'd still rather live in this flawed, free country than in almost any other. Good post though :)

  2. haha! excellent comment bro! :)

    It does seem to me that this country could have been a lot better.
