Thursday, 6 September 2012


So I dont know what I last posted on here but it was probably a rant about something. This isnt a rant.

No, whilst i've had a monumental sulk about not being able to go and skate hills recently, i've got into something else. Terms in skateboarding are a bit shit so what this is is something like "going out skateboarding and attempting to have a laugh with a little board and funny wheels and a bit of tarmac." And thats what i've been doing. Riding an inherently fun setup (Death 8.5, Rubbishy little trucks risered up and almost cored cult classics) means even the sensation of riding around is fun. Just really, really amusing for some reason. And then i've been going to a place that is just a pretty much flat bit of tarmac, and seeing what can be done. Just silly little things that build board control. And then putting these things into a line. Which currently is popping the board over, so it's upside down on my feet, flicking it over as I jump onto it, pivoting 180 to start down the little incline that is there, heelside 180 standup slide, pivoted backside 180, another standup slide, then pivot back 180 frontside. That took a bit of time.

All of this is silly little stuff that isnt really tricks, but this isnt about tricks, this is about trying to have a laugh with what i've got, which is a bit of tarmac.

So i've been doing this for several days now, sometimes going out 4 times a day because I get home and think of some other fun little thing to try.

And then today, I chuck some new shoes on that actually have grip left on them, and start popping some little stationary ollies. This is the funny bit. Way back when I first got into skateboarding, I'd try and try to ollie every now and then. Like decide "oh today im on it" and go to somewhere and flounder around for however long and go home again feeling tired and bored. And now just from having all these little things i've learnt to do, theres now fun there. From the silly little tricks, some kind of board control has developed, and thats where the ollies are coming from. I dont feel quite at home on a double kick board yet, but its getting there.

A few weeks ago, I never thought I would have any fun on a skateboard away from a hill. How wrong I was.

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