Opinions are bloody irritating arn't they? You can have an opinion, and it doesn't have to be set to the tune of stuff like facts and figures and studies and real stuff like that. You can have one of these opinions, based on the rest of your opinions, based on the rest of your opinions, which are based on your personality and mindset. And you can shout it out loud. And thats fine. But your opinion, potentially based in a world where what is real doesn't matter, can affect other peoples opinions.
I would at this point talk about what has just been brought to my attention, the new "health" magazine What Doctors Dont Tell You. It appear to be a massive load of scaremongering, badly intentioned, horrendous shite. But I haven't read it, and couldn't be bothered to read through their site after spying a headline "fluoride lowers kids IQ", so in an effort to be all fair and mature I wont use it as an example. I will not criticise that stupid, god awful, pathetic excuse for a waste of paper and ink.
Oh. Whoops.
Anyway, back to objectivity (or as close as I can get to it, I dont tend to like being objective and reasoned because I normally contradict myself and mess up my own arguments in a way in which any accomplished thinker would mockingly laugh at whilst stroking the beard that they should definately have to signify their level of thinking.)
Skateboard stuff! This is what I have observed.
There will be a new bit of skate gear that comes out. Say a new truck. Most people will offer an opinion on it, and shout it on the internet. How many of these people have enough experience of skating a range of trucks, or the relevant engineering experience, or knowledge of the production of this paticular type of gear to comment on it? I would suggest very few, and certainly not I.
And where do these opinions come from? Some people want to sound like gear nerds. Some people just like to see their own opinions in writing to satisfy their ego. Some people want to show everyone that they skate in this way, and form opinions to provide evidence for them skating in this way. That last example was a bit of a tricky one to explain, so a really simple example would be- "Yeah high angle trucks are better"- because they want everyone to think they ride in a cool, sketchy manner, with gear that is on the limit of chucking them off.
I should at this point say that skateboarders, paticularly of the downhilling type, are not inherently carefree. Many care a lot about what people think of them, whilst professing how they "really don't take things seriously." Hah.
But yeah, opinions- opinions irritate the hell out of me sometimes. To base your thoughts on what you want things to be like, regardless of the facts is a highly annoying thing to do. But we all do it to some extent. I would like people to take a minute though, and think about how their opinions could influence others before shouting them out. Perhaps think harder still if you are about to publish a magazine that could scare people away from medicine and cost real people their health. Oh, I wasn't suppose to use that. Whoops again.
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