Hello. This is a lifey post.
So I have been to a couple of uni interviews and they went really well. First up was Portsmouth, a place I managed to drop in on last year to have a look around at an open day. Portsmouth is an hour hop on the train, direct, so minimal dorking around in that department. Although alas this saw me have to rock up a full hour early. A full hour!
I got off the train, rucksack on back and folder in hand, and went directly into time killing mode. This is an art refined over many free periods at college and even includes adapting ones walk to the time constraints. However, having to kill an hour when you are a mere five minutes from where you need to be means if you followed this procedure directly you would end up walking so slowly as to draw attention and possibly offers of assistance from onlookers.
So I wandered around a bit. They have a square thing outside a giant hall right by the station. Walking out from under a building into that-with people milling every which way and a giant t.v announcing the news headlines-felt like a scene from something sci-fi. Anyway I find a bench and rock the full on packed lunch because I'm cool like that. It's by a tree, so I sit facing the tree and the rest of the square but keep wondering if the idea is to sit under the tree looking away from it but decide I don't really care and keep eating. All of my food is shit because I made it myself the night before.
Time is too slow so I wander some more, go back on myself, end up at the same bench, find the building I'm supposed to be at later, walk another way, sit on a wall, look up a lot.
Anyway when I couldn't bear any more aimless wandering I arrived at the Eldon Building. It's been redone quite a bit since my last visit so the entrance was somewhere else and all that. It looked good. I wander in like an idiot. (I walk like someone who doesn't really know what their legs are doing but knows it's at least something vaguely like what I intended)
"Hi, I'm here for an interview for illustration" probably becomes "hi'mherrfernillstrtnnplzzz?" but I'm directed to the cafe and sit around. I'm feeling quite relaxed which surprises me. We get called- up a flight of stairs to a room.
Everyone has A1 folders.
I do not.
I detect human awkwardness in the pretty much silence but smile and make some noises in response to things. I don't really mind it just being silence in that sort of situation but some people do.
Anyway the tutor comes in, talks, is very nice and we start filling out question sheets. I write things as best I can think to put them. There's a bit at the bottom where we're supposed to draw what going to an interview feels like. I draw something that comes to mind and it's all kind of nice and I'm pleased with it. We go on a tour and do some interview stuff.
A few days later I got an offer from there. So I have an unconditional offer to study on an illustration degree at Portsmouth if I go for that. High five?
Next up was a further trip to Bournemouth. This involved a bus journey to town, train to southampton, train to bournemouth, bus in bournemouth. Now it sounds kind of funny but not so long ago that would have scared the HELL out of me to the point where I probably wouldn't have done it. And now it isn't something I really think about, which is a nice feeling.
Anyway firstly the yellow buses in bournemouth have faux leather seats which is awesome, and secondly I was very early again due to the long journey. I done some wandering before lurking heavily at a bus stop-packed lunch again, the envy of all around.
Eventually I head to my interview. It's with a few other people and they all seem to know the right things to say. It's really nice though because I get a lot of time to talk about stuff, as people that know me probably have realised I've got a lot of stuff in my head but it can come out like "aderpaderpderpderp" unless I've got time and I can make it all into proper bits of human speak. The interview went as well as it possibly could of done so I await the outcome of that.
Next up I'm going to Winchester School of Art-there's going to be a buffet.
Anyway, the idea of me doing what I'm doing now just wouldn't have been there a while ago. Even halfway through my Btec at Collyers it wasn't on the cards. But I've been working really hard on drawing, painting, digital work, photo stuff and more. I'm absorbing everything I can and the hours are being worked. The improvement from before makes me so happy.
Anyway, happy thursday morning. This went on for a while.
As ever you can find stuff from me on my page which I still don't know what to call:
All carrier pigeons with sweets and other forms of interaction welcomed.